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Fire-Lite Fire-Lite SWIFT Wireless Fixed Thermal Detector
W-H355 wireless fixed thermal detectors are addressable detectors that provide secure, reliable communication to the fire alarm control panels (FACP) across Class A mesh networks.
FIRE-LITE Fire Alarm Control Panel Optional Transformer
XRM optional transformers are designed for use with Fire-Lite® fire alarm control panels.
FIRE-LITE Fire Alarm Control Panel Optional Transformer
XRM optional transformers are designed for use with Fire-Lite® fire alarm control panels.
FIRE-LITE Fire Alarm Control Panel Optional Transformer
XRM optional transformers are designed for use with Fire-Lite® fire alarm control panels.
FIRE-LITE ZNAC-4 NAC Option Module
ZNAC-4 notification appliance circuit (NAC) option modules are Class A conversion modules which mount to J3 connectors on the upper right side of the FCPS-24 (field charger/power supply) circuit board.
FIRE-LITE FireWarden® ZNAC-92 Class A Converter Module
FireWarden® ZNAC-92 Class A converter modules convert four Style Y (Class B) NACs to four Style Z (Class A) circuits.
Fire-Lite ANN-LED Annunciator Module
ANN-LED annunciator modules provide LED annunciation of general system faults and input zones/points when used with a compatible fire alarm control panel (FACP).
Fire-Lite B200SR Sounder and LF Sounder Bases
The B200SR sounder and LF sounder bases are fully compatible with existing B501BH Series sounder base installations. The device enables users to select one of two B501-supported tones (ANSI Temporal 3 or Continuous) through a jumper.
FIRE-LITE Battery Backbox
Backboxes are for use with fire alarm control panels (FACPs) and are used to mount up to two batteries and power supplies.
Fire-Lite BG-12 Series Fire Alarm Pull Station
BG-12 Series fire alarm pull stations are designed to meet multiple applications with the installer and end user in mind. They feature a variety of models including single- and dual-action versions.